
She's Here!!!

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010
6:40am: leave for Piedmont Hospital
7:20am: check into L&D room 15....same as Lily's delivery!
8:30am: Pitocin drip started
11am: epidural started (and what a wonderful thing that is!)
2pm: 9cm
3:15pm: 10 cm but have to wait on the doctor to finish a consent with another patient
3:45pm: start pushing
4pm: Kennedy's arrival!!!

All in all, it was a fantastic day! Things were much smoother and more controlled this time around than with Lily. John, the father who can't stand the sight of blood or needles or roller coasters, actually cut the cord. (I was honestly impressed that he didn't pass out.)

She weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs 2.4 oz and 21.75 inches long! BIG GIRL! We kept hearing from nurses that they haven't seen a girl that size in months! Once we were discharged, her weight was 8 lbs 13 oz but she's on the rise......One week later at the doctor's visit she was back up to 9 lbs and 22 inches. She's a good eater AND a good sleeper! I'm very thankful to be getting some sleep this past week.

One of our last pictures as a family of three
Leaving for the hospital to meet Kennedy

The newest addition!

Meeting Tornado Thompson, I mean Lily, for the first time.
I think this was taken BEFORE the elbow to the head incident.

Not sure she wants to go home with us perhaps?

Big sister Lily eating lunch and checking out the baby
When I said there would be bows.....

Now I feel like our little family is complete and all I can say is...
Over the past week, Kennedy has proven herself to truly be the most perfect newborn anyone could ask for. She seems to only cry when she's hungry (she'll snort, too), needs her diaper changed or if she needs help passing a gas bubble. She's insanely easy to soothe and she's just about the most gorgeous baby I think I've ever seen. (All bias aside, of course.)
Lily is adjusting very well and has only had a couple of "moments." It really helps to have my mom here who is keeping Lily very occupied and letting me have my time with Kennedy. However, she's only here for one more week and I'm starting to get worried! The Lilster kisses her sister and is always asking about her and tries to "make things better" for her by stuffing the pacifier in her mouth or throwing a blanket over her. She can even say her name! "Kenne-knees" Very cute!