
18 Months of Sweetness

Kennedy has passed the 18 month milestone and I can't believe how quickly time has gone. She's grown so much, laughed a ton and been loved immensely.
What she's up to these days:
Weight: 25 pounds
Height: 33 inches
Hair: blonde mullet with some cute curls at the end that I can't bring myself to cut off
You tell her to shake her booty and she does with a giggle.
She has climbed up and stood ON the kitchen table and just laughed and laughed!
Balls are her thing.......tennis, soccer, foot......you name it.

She's in her parrot phase now too......repeating everything you say or ask her to say:
Boof: shoe and juice (don't ask)
Night night
Eat eat
Yucky: when diaper is dirty
BUUUUTT: she and Lily will make each other laugh by saying this over and over again
Melmo: Elmo
Eat eat
bankie: blanket
Ellie: her little elephant lovie
BUZZ!: when she wants to watch Toy Story which is all the time
Patta: pizza
Eat eat
Diddy: Lily
Peeeeaaaase: please
Eat eat
Come: not sure where she got this from but that's how she says thank you

That about covers the vocab right now!

I love how she will peek around your shoulder an give you a big toothy grin followed by a big kiss right on he cheek.
I adore watching her follow her big sister around, or watch them play chase or just sitting and reading together.
I know I've said it before, but I really mean it when I say she is the perfect completion to this family of four. How did I ever get so incredibly lucky?

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