
Summer 2008

To catch you up on what we've been doing this summer so far....

Started off with our dear friend Farrah's wedding down on Jekyll Island, GA. Gorgeous day, gorgeous setting and a gorgeous bride!

My buddy Erin and I before the wedding.

And, of course, Camp Sunshine! Definitely one of the best weeks ever!

These past two weeks have been full of family fun! First my mom and Elmer brought Morgan and stayed for almost a week! Thanks for all the hard work you all always do when you're here....it helps more than you know. Then for the 4th of July, John's brother and his family came to stay with us for the weekend. Kurt, Jenice, Nathan and Nicholas kept Bear entertained, kept us fed and only required one trip to the hospital.

This week marks an enormous development in our household. John will start training for his new full-time job as a salesman for a Ford dealership! WOW! Leave it to him to leave things till the last minute, but I've learned to have the utmost faith in him. It might not be on my timetable, but things ALWAYS work out for John and he always does the right thing.

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