
6 Months, plus a little

Just before we left for our Texas trip, Lily had her 6 month check up at her doctor's office. I've already reviewed what she's currently doing and what she's capable of right now, but I failed to report her stats.

Weight: 16 lbs, 9 oz (60th %ile)
Height: 27 in (90th %ile)
Head circumference: 44 cm (95th %ile)

Again, a tall but skinny baby with a head that takes some extra kisses to cover.

Here's some logic for you....
People say Lily looks like John.
John has been told in the past that he looks like Brett Favre.
Brett Favre is a football star who has bobblehead dolls out there with his likeness.
Therefore, Lily looks like a Brett Favre bobblehead?

She was also put on a new meal plan that involves more scheduled feedings with solids.

Breakfast: bottle with a bowl of cereal
Snack: bottle
Lunch: veggie and fruit
Snack: bottle
Dinner: veggie with another bowl of cereal
Bedtime: bottle

This all sounds wonderful but what "if" she doesn't like the cereal? And what "if" she throws things off and really needs another bottle between snack and lunchtime? What about when she "might" have an aversion to fruits? And who's to say she won't ever throw a complete temper tantrum at dinner demanding a bottle? When she's done with the emotional outburst and wears herself out into a slumber with a thumb in her mouth and carrots on her cheeks, am I supposed to wake her up to finish eating? (I mean, "if" she falls asleep while eating.)

These are all of course hypothetical situations. Not that my perfect child would ever have any issues.

I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Sarah M said...

Look at those big blue eyes!! Naww :)