
Family Fun

This was a rare occasion.....John had the entire day off! No cars, no tennis, no working out, no napping, no football, no NCAA basketball. How was I never aware before now that these days actually DO exist. He always had me thinking otherwise. Anyhow, I digress.
We ventured up to Amicolola Falls in north Georgia for the day and what a beautiful place it is. Very green, very lush and very quiet (minus all the tourists). We can't wait to go back!
Starting the walk up
Seriously? Is this sign speaking to me or what?
"Audra Thompson, approach the trail to the right."

Strenuous is not a word in my vocabulary. I seriously put my foot down, acted like a 7 year old and refused to climb up another 425 steps after conquering 175 already. I needed assistance...

This was my brilliant idea of how to get to the top! John borrowed a fun little car from the dealership for the day.

"But, Lily, the view looks fine from down here."

Lily and John at the "bottom" of the waterfall. This actually required a bit of a walk from the real "bottom." (In case you can't tell, I'm very out of shape.)

This is the creek/brook/whatever that feeds those gorgeous falls.

Another fun day!

1 comment:

Mommy of Tyler and Chase said...

Great pics and sounds like fun! I hope more days like that are on the books for the Thompsons!