
Mother's Day and More

So I've been getting grief for not putting any pictures of my pregnant self up this time around. The day this picture was taken, someone saw me and said, "Holy cow!"

I wasn't quite sure how to take that.

John and Lily headed back up to Nashville for Grandma's 75th birthday party while I got to stay home, rest and get rid of my persistently nasty hacky cough.

Thank you, Aunt Libby, for always giving us a place to stay.

Isn't Grandma pretty???

Happy Birthday!!!

Uncle Robby came for a quick visit before having to travel again

The two loves of my life...

Mother's Day was special!
Despite having to get up early and receiving some losing lottery tickets as a "gift," it was a fun day to be "mama." We got to go out to breakfast because I was craving IHOP pancakes....don't ask how many I ordered.
John and Lily gave me the world's sweetest cards and those are what really made the entire day wonderful. You wouldn't know it, but he's pretty good with words.
Later on in the day, I treated myself to a pedicure and wished it had lasted longer.
My squirmy wormy isn't much for being photographed these days so this is all I got....

Attempt #2

Feeling pretty good about myself after Mother's Day and because of the fact that Lily has finally started saying "mama" and running to me at the babysitter's and seemingly loving me, I pushed my luck to far:

After an attitude adjustment and perhaps a bit of coaching:
Some other fun things to report on the Lilster at 16 months:
Various new words...mama, no, mine, dada (of course), si (yes), tunk you (thank you), no, mine, peas (please), outside, go bye bye, no, mine, gracias, no, phone.
She's putting things together as well and follows commands extremely well. She definitely has her morning routine with her father and throws a fit if that bagel isn't quite ready for her when she's in her chair.
She loves saying "hi" to my belly and giving it kisses! I'm not pretending she has a clue of what's about to happen to her world but it's still sweet and cute. Besides, she lifts up her own shirt to show her belly and says, "Baby!" Let's wait a few more years for that, please.
She likes phones and remote controls. Sometimes the remote becomes a phone which I never knew you could do.
She's able to identify her mouth, head, ears, eyes, nose and belly. She likes showing you your nose and mouth as well.
She makes a silly face, happy face and fishy face.
She goes to sleep extremely well and wakes up happy almost everyday.
She's the best thing since sliced bread, if you ask me!

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