
18 months and counting...

Here are Lily Grace's latest specs:

Weight: 24 pounds (50th percentile)
Height: 34 inches (95th percentile)
Head: priceless (literally off the charts) **I don't think there are enough chocolate Teddy Grahams in this world to apologize for this physical attribute, baby girl.**

It just means lots of brains, right?
Must be the case because her vocabulary strengthens everyday! Thanks to her father she has recently mastered the art of telling you where her butt is.

I would say she's exceeding 50 words and is definitely starting to put things together:
"Bye bye, Troy's dada."
"Ready go bye bye."
"Sit down, dada/mama/Bear."

Of course she can also identify animals and people in pictures and can recite what the animals say. Sometimes the praying mantis and/or hippo are called "mommy" (with a giggle) but other than that, she's usually right on.

playing in water (pool, bath)
cold pizza
bagels, eggs, BLUEBERRIES
going to the tennis courts with daddy
tv (much to my dismay, she's a remote hog and loves her cartoons)

getting out of the bathtub
going inside after playing outside
diaper changes are a hit or miss
brushing her teeth
anything I do to piss her off (i.e. hug and kiss John while saying, "MY, daddy." That doesn't go over too well.)

She loves her baths but hates being bathed. Go figure.

Cheers to another fun 18 months!!!

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