
Thompsons Tackle Texas

Picture it.......

April 2012.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

Easter Sunday.

8 hours into my 12 hour shift and I get a wild hair up my you-know-what and decide it would be a good idea to just start driving to Texas when I got off.

At 7:30 pm.

So that's what we did knowing we would be stopping to spend the night somewhere between here and who knows where.

The girls were fabulous, Wendy was great and the drive really wasn't that bad. We enjoyed the adventure of staying in a hotel for the first time, and thank goodness for the portable DVD player about 4 hours from our final destination.

I'll show the trip through pictures with some dialogue along the way but I hope I'm able to convey just how much fun we had and how well taken care of the three of us were. In fact, I'm already thinking of our next Texan tryst!


"Thank goodness! We made it in one piece, sister! Despite seeing that speedometer hit over 90, too. Yeah right, Aunt Wendy,.......the car doesn't run THAT smooth that you didn't realize it."



Lily's first solo flight at the Kemah Boardwalk. Soon thereafter followed by lunch at Tookie's with a side of a meltdown.


Wendy and Betsy's mom graciously opened (and heated) her pool for us on a gorgeous Wednesday morning. Lily took to the water just as she did last summer.....like a fish! I was so pleased! Kennedy, on the other hand, was more interested in everything around the pool and food, of course. It was a wonderfully fun day that ended with an impromptu family dinner/picnic at the Millers' home. The girls got to feed the animals and see what it means to "live on some land."

Too cool for school



The next morning took us to the Houston Zoo......in some rain which equals horrid humidity when it finally dissipated. YUCK! However, no rainstorm nor humidity could keep me away from spending time with my sweet friend Rebecca and her two cute kiddos.


There's always some down time.....

Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream........our first experience of seeing $12 snow cones. Thank goodness for snacks that fit in your backpack. Lily and I accompanied Betsy and Morgan (who are old pros at this ice show thing) and it was F.U.N.
One funny that Lily said as we were fighting with and walking against the wind..........from the wrong parking lot........10 minutes late.........an enormous gust of wind came through and Lily exclaimed, "That was a BIG windy!". So cute!

One of the main reasons I chose this time of year to travel back to my roots was for that one picture that all Texas families seem to get each year......your dressed up kids in the midst of those lovely deep blue bluebonnets. I knew we were cutting it close and rolling into town late in the season, but a mother can dream. We missed 'em.
I'm sure there would have been plenty of photo ops up in Ennis or near Brenham but I didn't have the heart to stick the girls back in the car for a four hour drive for maybe four shots of potentially disagreeable (trying to be politically correct here) children. Not gonna do it.
So here's what we found on a tip from a friend.
When asked to put her arm around her sister......

One one of our final days in town, we (and by "we" I mean "me/I") experienced one of the best play dates I've ever had. Who knew wine and an old friend could make you so incredibly happy? Thank you, Ashlee, for having us and for opening your home to a few girls from Georgia. Oh, and sorry about that "melted Popsicle/peeing in the middle of your floor" incident. I'll continue to live in denial and blame the Popsicle instead of my child's pea-sized bladder.

A huge thank you to Nana, Papa, Wendy, Morgan and Betsy for taking such great care of us and making these 11 days seem to go by in only 11 hours. This was the best trip yet and we can't wait to come back!
When in Texas......


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