
School Days

The time has arrived.
Time to let Lily spread her wings.
As excited about it as I may have been and as much as I understood how important it is for her, I didn't handle it as well as I predicted.
She cried. Didn't want us to leave. I literally had to sneak away while she wasn't looking in order to avoid a complete breakdown (her's....not mine.....yet).

Would Ms. Mary and Ms. Teresa love her the way she deserves to be loved?
Would they be patient with her shyness and inability to really enjoy being in a big crowd?
Can they appreciate just how smart and wonderful and perfect she is?
These questions in my mind, on that fateful day, did me in.
Kennedy started crying for her sister so I thought it would be okay for me to let the waterworks loose too. We were able to pull ourselves together within the 3 hour timeframe and had a blissful reunion complete with a special picnic for lunch.
After these first few weeks, I'm happy to report that Lily no longer needs me, demands to go to school and will probably be running the place by next semester.

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