
Only 4 months to go!

I hear babies are expensive. We had a car that was scaring us because of the potential cost for repairs. It started needing some special TLC that we just didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for. So, I gave up my leather seat warmers and traded in the Volvo for a barely used Ford Explorer. Blue. Only 5000 miles and still smells like new. Cheaper payments, under warranty, cheaper insurance and the gas is about the same as the Volvo. It's been a great addition! Lily and I have plenty of room now during our commute to and from work.


Mommy of Tyler and Chase said...

Lily will be quite comfortable as will her mommy! I sure wish we could have pulled off our plan of working opposite days and caring for each other's kiddos...although it sure was fun to dream:) You look great, I cant wait to see you tomorrow! Colin

Doodie said...

Hi Sweetheart,
Nana is so anxious to meet Lily, hold Lily, play with Lily, love Lily and to teach Lily how to drive her Moma crazy!