
Family Visitors

The time has arrived for me to go back to work. As much as I love my job and have missed all of my co-workers, I could stand to continue maternity leave for a little while longer. Nine weeks just isn't enough. Lily is interacting more and more and staying awake for longer periods of time. How am I supposed to leave her for an entire day?!?! In order to assist in the transition, Wendy, Betsy and Morgan came for a long weekend and stayed home with Lily during my first two days back at the office. However, prior to D-Day, we went out to lunch, shopped and ventured down to the Georgia Aquarium to check out the fish. As they were leaving, my mom flew in to finish out the week. Lily will start going to her babysitter's house on Monday morning. I'm hoping I'll be okay. Each day this week has progressively gotten worse when I get home; I have actually started to ache when I see her after being separated all day.

1 comment:

Carmen and Brandt said...

You copied my background!! I knew I had good taste.