
Eight Months

How quickly time goes by...

I've had more fun these last 8 months than I ever imagined possible. Each day brings something new whether it's a sweet look, a silly smile or a never performed baby trick.

Lily is the epitome of joy and happiness.

She refuses to takes naps at the babysitter's
so she has a hard time staying awake during dinner.
Celebrating her 8 month birthday with some lasagna.
"Why am I always a mess, Momma?"

"I still think I'm gorgeous! Kiss kiss."

She's able to put herself into a seated position from laying down/trying to crawl

She's putting it all together!!!
Uh oh!

But sometimes it's still easier to just roll around

1 comment:

Sarah M said...

That is too sweet! I love the rolling on the floor video. Miss Lily is going to be a tough one to catch once she gets on her legs...they are so long! :)

Can't wait to see you gals soon (but not soon enough)!
