
Fall Fun

The weather is changing and can't seem to make up its mind of what it wants to do.
Cold? Maybe for a day.
Dry? Hardly.
Cool and sunny? In my dreams.
Weekdays seem to get the best weather while we're all working. It was another cold, windy day on Saturday but we didn't let that stop us this time. We had some chili to vote on, friends to visit and an appearance to make at a festival! Deb joined us as we met up with the Applegates at the Dunwoody Village Fall Festival. The babies did fabulously, as usual, but I could have standed the weather to be a little warmer.

Sunday was gorgeous so we ventured out to East Cobb Park for a little swinging and watching other kids. Is it bad that people thought Lily was the same age as two other children when in fact she's about 5 months younger?
She's a hoss.
But I adore each and every inch of her!!!

Handsome Baby Bryson

Auntie Deb

"Great. More pumpkins. Thanks, mom."

Work gals, Deb and Kristy


So....what's up with this scrunched up face all of a sudden?

Drove by an extremely well decorated house in our neighborhood.
Wanted to share.

Hee hee hee! Hardly in our neighborhood, but a girl can dream...

Fun end to a fun weekend!

Everyone at her babysitter's says she can say "agua."
Personally, I think she's trying to say "Auda."

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