
Grandma, Girls and Gourds

Welcome back, to me!
After my little mom came to visit, the three of us got sick.
Two of us were able to kick it.

One of me wasn't.
I'm finally starting to feel a bit better so I wanted to update this World of Lily. She's been doing so much and developing very quickly. She's FREAKING ME OUT!

Words: mama, dada, hiya (I count it as "hi/hola"), agua (yes, Spanish for water), plus anything else you say to her she repeats. She's our little parrot these days.
Physically, she's 18 lbs 9 oz, 28 inches tall. She's crawling like crazy, pulling up like mad and wanting to walk very badly. More teeth are coming in (the four middle uppers) with the middle ones coming in a mile apart like her mother's. That's what Auntie Erin is for though, right?!?!

So....what's been happening?
John's mom, sister, niece, nephew and great nephew came for a visit. The girls shopped for wedding dresses while the boys went to a pumpkin patch with the neighbors. We had great weather and excellent company!

Then Auntie Sarah made an appearance! It's been 9 months since she and Lily were together and boy did they catch up on some much needed cuddle time. They adored each other! We went to a pumpkin patch followed by an apple orchard and had a blast just having girl time. The weather left something to be desired and I was getting sick again, but it's always comforting and fun to have someone in your life that you can do nothing with and still have a grand ol' time. She's our "Sa' and we love her to pieces!

Enjoy the pictures!
New standing toy that she loves
New old toys for playtime in the kitchen

We got into a food fight......Lily won.
Bear is her new BFF at dinnertime.

Grandma T and Lily G

Aunt Libby

Second cousin, Gabe, being silly

Sneak preview to Halloween. She hates pumpkins.
Just wait for some of the other pictures below.

Reunited and it feels so good!

Lily's own personal hell
Holy pumpkin patch!
Sarah trying to introduce Lily to some of the smaller pumpkins

And she wants nothing to do with this one....
...or this one...

...but this one looks kind of interesting...

Then we braved the cold and headed to the orchards where we shared an apple fritter and some apple cider. Yummy!

Nice and cozy in here!

I love fall!

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