
Babysitter Blues

Today was our last day with J.J. and we are very sad indeed. I was in the perfect place (craigslist) at the perfect time (7 months pregnant) when I found her. It has been such a relief knowing Lily was going to a good home with an experienced mom everyday. Everything happens for a reason and I believe I've found a new friend through this experience.

Needless to say, things have been a bit stressful trying to find another suitable babysitter for the Lily Bug. Once again, things seemed to just fall into place and we actually found an in-home childcare "center" right around the corner from our house. Lily will be a bilingual baby (and smarter than her mom and dad) and will be around some other little girls. I feel very comfortable with and very thankful for this new situation. Ms. Jenny is the new lucky lady who gets to spend the day with my sweet baby girl.

Hanging out with daddy on our way to meet Ms. Jenny

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