
Just For Fun

Someone's getting close to becoming mobile! Lily is rolling like crazy with a few times of "accidentally" rolling completely over. I say "accidentally" because it was sort of "assisted." But anyway.....
Casey wanted to play "cooking" with Lily...

I guess he "cooks" pretty well!
(By the way, does the skin on her cheeks look stretched or is it me?)

Sitting up in the Bumbo chair for the first time

Thank you for my cute onesie, Katie! I can't stop drooling over it!

This shirt's so funny!

I take my Nana Bunny with me wherever I go.

Hard to get a shot of her without her hands in her mouth, but thought this was still adorable.


the fishers said...

I am starting to see alot of you in her...agree??

Sarah M said...

I love her chubby cheeks and long legs! She's going to be tall like her Mummy :) I agree...she's starting to show some Aud characteristics