

I feel like the last few posts have mainly concentrated on things other than the real purpose of this blog:


She's just over 10 months old and crawling up a storm. She's pulling up on anything and everything and really only needs to hold one of your fingers to walk. "Bah, Bah, Bah" is a main part of her vocabulary when Bear comes into the room. Followed by "Duh, duh, duh." I'm guessing this means "dog," but with Bear you never know.

The number one thing she says and does is "HI!" while holding out her hand. To everyone.
All. The. Time.
Thankfully people love it and it makes them smile!

We are in party planning mode for her first birthday! I can't believe it's almost been a year having her with us.
Christmas preview

And without further ado....

I finally bring you her 6 month photo! Thank you, Nana!

1 comment:

the fishers said...

Those are some kissable lips in that last picture!