
Happy Birthday, Daddy!

John is FORTY today!!! Holy cow! (If you ask me, he's more like 40 going on 17, but that's another story.) I almost started crying last night after hearing some good news from him and reflecting on what a tough time he's had over the past couple of years. John has really found his second niche in sales. (Is there a job where you could sell tennis? He would be perfect!) An opportunity presented itself a few weeks ago and he had an interview at a company he interviewed with last summer. While waiting to hear back from them, he was offered another interview with yet another company in town. Yesterday, on the eve of turning 40, he was offered BOTH jobs!!! We are unbelievably grateful and realize there are a ton of people out there searching for employment, so we are not taking these offers for granted. I think all of this is stressing him out as much as paying the bills! We have a lot to discuss before any definitive decisions are made, but I just thought it was worth mentioning since it's such big news for our family!

I can't believe Lily wasn't the leading headline today....please forgive me, sweetie pie. She had her one month check up today and is doing great! 9.1 pounds, 21.5 inches which places her in the 50-75th percentile. Oh, and her head circumference? Yeah, sorry about that too, Lily....John and I have big heads so we were destined to have a big headed baby.....75th percentile. : )

Aunt Winnie (my super sis, Wendy) is on a plane right now getting ready to land here in Atlanta to meet the little one! Can't wait to see her and for Lily to get to know and love her!

1 comment:

Mommy of Tyler and Chase said...

Yeah!! I love it! Lots of anwsered prayers for sure!!! Keep us posted on what turns out:)) Colin