
A Kid and a Keg

John's big birthday present came late last week and since today was his day off, it was a perfect opportunity to put it all together. Robby gave him a keg-erator and a year supply of beer. (Great.) I see it as a good thing.....cheaper than going out to a bar and he'll be at home. Plus, it will be great for all those parties we never have! The downstairs is turning more and more into his dream man cave.

Poor baby girl with baby acne

The little princess

Happy 40th! Thank you, Robby, for the gift that will definitely keep on giving!

The one time John decides to read the directions....when beer is involved.
First pour

1 comment:

Mommy of Tyler and Chase said...

Too bad we dont live near you, Eric would be over hanging out with you all:) Looks like a fun toy! and your basement looks good too!!
Can't wait to meet Lily in 2 weeks! love, Colin