
Shopping Spree and Smiles

Over the past few days, I've been hoping to see Lily smile. I think I caught one the other day, but I want her to do it while looking at me or at least while I'm staring at her. Of course my digital camera takes 5 years to actually click a picture, so I think I caught the tail end of a gummy smile yesterday. (See below.) Thinking I could REALLY make her smile, Lily and I ventured out of the house yesterday for a little shopping. I figured it's never too early to introduce the little one to bargain hunting. I was able to get a few larger shirts to help cover my persistent baby belly and Lily got herself her first pair of jeans. (Little girls have the best clothes out there! It was difficult to avoid buying more.)

Admiring her new outfit
Does this count as a smile?

Lily's first pair of jeans
Check out the "shoes!" They're really socks that are part of a set sent by our friends Katie and Lachlann.

Erin and her little peanut who is due to arrive in early May.
I'm thinking she might be tired of me taking pictures of her.

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