
Just For Fun

Some fun things Lily is doing these days:
~kisses (makes fish lips and kissing sound)
~waves hello and goodbye (in Spanish, too! She's truly brilliant!)
~rolling, rolling, rolling only because she gets frustrated that she can't quite crawl yet
~growing her FOURTH tooth already! (all bottom eaters)
~eating more of a variety of foods
~no longer using the baby bathtub
Things I'm learning:
~feeding Lily prunes at night is perfect timing for results as John is trying to get ready for work the next morning
~"sleeping in" is no longer an option (except when Nana visits!)
~Bear likes baby food, Cheerios and sweet potato puffs
~sippy cups can leak
~baby screams are not sweet or quiet
~sucking a thumb can make everything feel better
She really likes to practice standing these days

"Um, mom, can you help me out here?"

1 comment:

Mommy of Tyler and Chase said...

so cute! I think it's anne railey who does diapers and spagetti on the back porch with her nieces and nephews...so fun!

It stains the tray too...but it's so fun in the process!